Category: Digital Marketing

National Hackathon Award
Digital Marketing

Robi Bdapps National Hackathon Award

Robi BDapps National Hackathon Award Robi Axiata organizes an innovative program called “Robi BDapps, The National Hackathon 2022” for finding out the young talents of

sm belal events
Digital Marketing


DBN-JCI MOU Signing We are happy to announce that, Mr. S M Belal Uddin, CEO of Texort  & Founder of Digital Business Network and Mr.

sm belal events
Digital Marketing

Digital Career Bootcamp Launching Program

Digital Business Network is a community of Digital Business and Digital career enthusiastic people who get to develop their professional and interpersonal skills through various

sm belal events
Digital Marketing

Digital Entrepreneur Summit

Digital Entrepreneur Summit Through various training and projects, Digital Business Network is collaborating with entrepreneurs and providing various kinds of support to make digital entrepreneurs

bitpa conference
Digital Marketing


Social Image Of The Individual Professional Bangladesh IT Professionals Association Is Established To Ensure The Social Image Of The Individual Professional. Firstly It Is Established

smbelal events
Digital Marketing

Gearlaunch Buzz Session

Ecom Sellers Opportunity GearLaunch is a 360 degree eCommerce solution that provides the opportunity to own an international e-commerce site from Bangladesh even from anywhere

Digital Marketing

Facebook Godfather Workshop

Different Ad Strategies This event was all about learning different ad strategies that works, Facebook updates, scaling techniques and much more. Some real insights from

sm belal event
Digital Marketing

Online Business Conference

Unlimited Growth This event was all about developing digital marketing career and online business. It was one of the Biggest event in Bangladesh on digital

Fathers Day Celebration
Digital Marketing

Father’s Day Celebration

Introduction Father’s Day is a special day that celebrates the contribution and commitment that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their kids.